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一带一路中国·南非企业家高端资源对接会South African Products Promotion & Resources Match-making Day2021年5月28日,“一带一路”中国·南非企业家高端资源对接会在南非驻华大使馆(北京)隆重举行,参加会议的南非企业有四家:南非钻石集团,保荣国际贸易(北京)有限公司,南部非洲上海工商联谊总会和南非-中国跨境电商协会。同时参会嘉宾涵盖50多家国内企业高管,创始人,CEO,采购等60余人。北京掘金控股集团,瀛和律师机构,看角科技集团和云企集团为本次活动做出了突出贡献。The South African Products Promotion & Resources Match-making Day took place on May 28, 2021 in South Africa Embassy in Beijing with 4 big South African companies in participation: Chenshia Group (Pty) Ltd, Baorong International, Southern Africa Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and South Africa China cross border E-Commerce Association. There are more than 60 guests who are CEO, founders, presidents or Purchase Manager from more than 20 companies in China taking part in the function. Great contribution has been made by Juejin Group, Yinghe Law Firm, Kanjiao Technology Group and Yunqi Group.应疫情防护需求,使馆内部采取严格安检和扫码进场。对参会嘉宾的身份和企业信息,进行一一核实。All the guests’ information and health codes are checked and tracked for the purpose of safety.南非驻华大使Mr. Siyabonga Cwele谢胜文先生的开场致辞拉开了大会序幕。Mr. Siyabonga Cwele, the Ambassador of SA in China gave an openning speech which symbolized the official start of the event.大会分两部分,第一部分为室内产品推介和高端资源对接会议。The event includes 2 sections: Part One: Products Promotion meetings in the conference room.


第二部分为室外产品品鉴吧台,四家南非企业展示了来自南非的高品质南非仟僖雅无醇起泡葡萄汁,路易金雀茶,红酒和美妆芦荟系列产品。Part Two: Outdoor bar counter for the display of SA products, including Villa Chenshia Non Alcohol Sparkling Grape Juice, Rooibos tea, wine, aloe products and beef.本次活动的首席赞助商北京掘金控股集团董事长梁辉先生,就“企业服务:国外企业在中国如何落地生根”进行详细讲解,现场答疑。Rector Liang, the president of Juejin Group, gave a speech on “Enterprise service: how foreign enterprises take root in China” and answered questions from the guests.看角科技集团有限公司董事长李辉先生,就市场营销渠道线上平台营销做详细陈述,传授线上营销的秘诀.Mr Hui Li, president of Kanjiao Technology Group Co., Ltd, explained Online platform marketinng for SA products.云企集团董事长王子彬先生,就“线下渠道:国外产品如何在中国线下KA渠道铺设”进行分析,帮助南非产品打通国内线下KA渠道。Paolo Wang, president of Yunqi Group stressed Off line marketing: KA channels.会议期间,南非钻石集团品牌大使苏娜欣女士就南非仟僖雅无醇起泡进行讲解,并现场演示开瓶,开瓶仪式感为大会严肃的氛围增加了不少欢乐,并和各位嘉宾一起进行品鉴。During the meeting, Anna Su, the Brand Ambassador of Chenshia Group (Pty) Ltd in China gave a detailed introduction of illa Chenshia Non Alcohol Sparkling Grape Juice and joined the guests for tasting and sharing.保荣国际贸易(北京)有限公司总经理张小川先生,分析了南非和中国茶叶发展趋势与市场缺口。Tony Zhang, director of Baorong International, analysed the tea development trend and market in South Africa and China.南部非洲上海工商联谊总会会长李林国先生,就新世界葡萄酒发展概况与品鉴进行详细阐述。Jacky Li, president of Southern Africa Shanghai Chamber of Commerce expressed SA Wine development and Tasting.南非-中国跨境电商协会中国区代表Dr. Mick Muianga分享南非护肤保养品,探索不老神话的秘密。Dr. Mick Muianga, representative in China of South Africa China cross border E-Commerce Association shared valuable information of SA aloe products and beef.


会议尾声,南非驻华公使Yusuf Timol先生,热情的为会议做总结发言,再次感谢各位贵宾,南非企业(南非钻石集团,保荣国际贸易(北京)有限公司,南部非洲上海工商联谊总会和南非-中国跨境电商协会)和赞助商渠道商(掘金控股集团,瀛和律师机构,看角科技,云企集团)的大力支持。At the end of the meeting, Yusuf Timol,Minister Counsellor (Economic) gave a conclusion speech on the event and welcomed again all the guests and showed gratitude to the SA companies (Chenshia Group (Pty) Ltd, Baorong International, Southern Africa Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and South Africa China cross border E-Commerce Association), sponsors and distributors to the event: Juejin Group, Yinghe Law Firm, Kanjiao Technology Group and Yunqi Group四家企业与云企集团,每家签订了100万人民币的意向采购书。Yuqi Group had signed Letter of Intent to Purchase with each SA company with an amount of 1 million RMB per company for the future cooperation.本次活动室外品鉴吧台,也格外热闹,客户们积极品尝南非无醇起泡葡萄汁,路易金雀茶,红酒和牛排,热闹非常。并对合作事宜进行热情讨论。Guests enjoyed the outdoor bar counter where all the SA products are served.南非驻华大使和公使也加入草坪吧台品鉴,与客户合影留念。Mr Ambassador and Minister Counsellor joined the guests for photo taking.本次活动圆满成功,离不开南非驻华大使馆的大力支持和南非驻华大使Mr. Siyabonga Cwele与公使Yusuf Timol的积极配合。同时感谢南非企业:南非钻石集团,保荣国际贸易(北京)有限公司,南部非洲上海工商联谊总会和南非-中国跨境电商协会的积极参与。也特别感谢以下公司为本次活动提供的支持:掘金控股集团,中国财经报,满电(北京)饮品有限公司,河北缸北窑定瓷文化创意有限公司,京师企服,北京市京师律师事务所,北京旭宏文化传媒有限公司,北京汇思达教育科技有限公司,联技定制C2B2M ,世界供销联盟(茶叶),丝绸之路国际和平智库,清华大学继续教育学院,美商婕斯。中国法治新闻报总编吴江南 法治共建频道主任丁会义等也参加了会议。We have to give our sincere thanks to the kind support of SA embassy and the generous help from Mr Ambassador Siyabonga Cwele and Minister Counsllor Yusuf Timol as well as all the SA companies, guests, sponsors and distributors.下期外交活动,筹划中,值得期待。



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