明德说|| 走进荣格(10)

2023-7-6 11:54| 发布者: admin| 查看: 404| 评论: 0



But as I said before Jung was a Swiss and he tended to be an independent thinker and he didn't want is thinking to be subject to the approval or disapproval of a superior figure. 


As the interested know that Freud lived in Vienna which was probably the main cultural centre of Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century and was ruled by the emperor. It was very hierarchically based culture. 


And the royalty of Austria, the Austria-Hungarian Empire was extremely well and firmly established in the culture and everyone respected their authority and looked up to them with like the kings of the middle ages. 


The Swiss had no royalty, Swiss is a democratic country and they did not accept outside authority or inherited positions of authority, you had earning your place in the culture. And so you can see this cultural difference might come to play a role between Freud and Jung. 


Freud as the founder of psychoanalysis expected to be treated as the king of psychoanalysis and Jung rebelled.


And I think that's Swiss aspect of freeing oneself from imperial outsiders and outside authorities played a role, because Jung would not accept Freud’s authority when it came to psychoanalytic thinking, he would think for himself. 



And this issue came to a head, showed itself very critically when Freud and Jung traveled together to the United States to Clark University in 1909 to receive honor degrees from Clark University, and during this time, they spend quite a bit of time together on board, the ship going back and forth to the United States from Germany. 


1909 年弗洛伊德和荣格到克拉克大学讲学时合影
后面一排左起:布里尔(A.A.Brill)、琼斯(Ernest Jones)、费伦齐(Sandor Ferenczi);

前面一排左起:弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)、霍尔(G. Stanley Hall)、荣格(Carl Gustav Jung)。

And on this trip there were two important incidents that occurred that really where the forecasters of a break that was to come.


The first one was that Freud had a dream while they were travelling and on board ship they would tell each other their dreams from the night before and analyzed them so they subjected one another to their psychoanalytic methods. 


And when Freud told Jung his dream, Jung asked for associations to various parts of the dream, this is the standard analytical procedure. 


And Freud refused to give his associations to some the parts of the dream. 


And Jung asked why?


And Freud said I would lose my authority if I give you associations to these parts of the dream.


And this struck Jung as a very contrary to the scientific attitude to the openness dead were trying to develop between them to insist on maintaining authority in this relationship and in this work was not something that Jung would accept. 




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